call it what u wanna call it... No I'm not an alcoholic
Time Changes. People don't want to believe whats true cuz the truth looks strange.
But kids are actin more mature then people in my age range.
Tell me do u care bout ur rep or is any rep good for u?
From housewife to hoodrat what label r u into?
People would do anything to leave the struggle,
yet we got others complainin bout their rich lifestyle and would do anything to get in some trouble.
I say bless the child that wipes his own tears. I say bless the woman that keeps goin despite the weight on her shoulders she bear.
Try to see the positive in ur struggle. There's something special in all of us. We're all meant to achieve some greatness in life. For some people, it might be a roof over their head and food for their family. For some people, it might be that one job u've always dreamt of.
For me, it's simple. Nothing I'll reveal now. Time will tell u, what I'm all about.