know what u stand for.

So I'm gettin tired of all this plankin...... I'm not sure if people know what it stands for... and do it anyways.. or if they're just doin it cuz it looks funny.... I'll tell you what it stands for....!!!!!!!!


does this look like fun? this is what plankin ORIGINALLY stands for.... shippin slaves.... the more the better...

It got popular in the 90's in britain when the staff at a hospital started plankin as a joke... when their boss saw this they got fired at the spot. This got heated and people started hearing about this... Out of nowhere... celebrities today started tweetin pics of them plankin... and now everybody's doin it.... I get upset when I see such behavior... it's not funny... at all....

It's like sayin shippin slaves looks fun....


If you've been plankin and didn't know this, I respect your unawareness. But this is not a trend that should be followed.


Know what you stand for.








this pretty much says "bitches be actin shady, why can't they just give me pussy when I want it? Imma start rapin these hoes soon"........ and his friends are bustin out laughin...hahahahahah..... not cool... this is the soon to be men we grew up with!

I'm flipping page

I've decided to do photography. (: I have to admit, it's harder than I thought. haha But hey, they say practice makes perfect so there is hope. Already improving I must say. hihi

Snapped this today (:
(keep in mind --> I'm doing journalism so thought this would be catchy)


that's all..............


Came home from work not too long ago. I sat with my laptop and went through my favourite blogs and I found these crazy heels on monicarose...she was showing pics of a few things from her closet and they just caught my eye and my heart lol
What do u think?

Ness says Goodnight:)

more of solange outfits

I just found out that this girl can dress very inspiring so it's goin to be alot of her outfits in the blog.
I have to go now but I'll be back by tonight!!
Love From Ness

Hard Working Woman

I work at one of these bars and those are my cousins...
It's Ness;)...Yesterday was a long day...I work double shifts some days. I woke up at 8 in the morning and my day ended at 2 o'clock in the morning...thats when I go straight from my daytime job to my second job. So I was dead when I came home in the morning but I just had to look at my favourit movie that I had been thinkin about all day which is "Bronx Tale"....It's about this little boy(he is so cute, like my future son but he's an italian version lol) that witnesses a murder that this "neighborhood-gangsta" committes but even though he's like 10 years old he still doesn't tell the police when they ask him about it. This impresses the gangster and they become really close, he comes to be a father figure that he's real father doesn't like. And it's about him falling in love with this black girl, but he is italian and race was a huge obsticale at the time...poor baby:(...but u guys have to go and see it!!


Aww, he is soo cute. Thats he's real dad. One of the actors(the gangster who's in the bottom in the record pic) in the movie made the story and he used to perform it in a small theater somewhere in New York before Robert DeNiro got to know about it and made it to a successful movie. I fell in love with the movie so much I read a whole book about Robert DeNiro and I was like 13 or 14...

Solange Knowles

This Outfit is just to die for...It's not even my style but I still wanna look like that. Love the Dolce&Gabbana pants with tha stars and that white blouse and jacket and everything lol...

Extenstions or not? Thats the Q

I'm trying to figure out if I should still wear extenstions or not cuz if I do...then I need to get new ones cuz for the those of you who has no clue about hair is that u have to get new weave at leaste every third month or it's going to look like you don't have any...some people wear the same weave for too long or just have too little of it...

Don't know who this is! But u should never let it go this far!!

Me trying to make my short hair work and make it look sexy lol...


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